Tema “UMUT” olarak belirlenmiştir.
The theme has been determined as “HOPE”.
Each participant can participate with a maximum of two works.
Works should not exceed A4 (21×29.7 cm) size.
Painting, drawing, drawing, original print, photography, digital art, collage etc. Any technique can be applied.
Submitted works must be original. Participants should write on the back of their works in capital letters, Name and Surname of the Participant, Name, Technique, Dimensions and Year of the Work, Country, Address, e-mail; must add information such as facebook, instagram, website that can be contacted.
Works containing racist, fanatic, pornographic, sexist will not be included in the exhibition.
The works of more than one participant should not be included in the same envelope.
Works must have a stamp or stamp on them.
Works participating in the exhibition will not be returned. After the works are exhibited, they will be included in the inventory of Kastamonu University GST Faculty. All rights of the submitted works such as publication, exhibition and usage will belong to Kastamonu University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design. The works to be submitted will not be used as a commercial commodity.
Images of the submitted works will be published on https://mailartumut.blogspot.com.
Participants are deemed to have accepted that the submitted works have no commercial value.
An electronic participation certificate will be issued and an e-catalog will be published for the participants whose works are exhibited.
The exhibition is open to all national and international art lovers. There is no participation fee.
No responsibility is accepted for delays, damages and losses that may occur by mail.